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United for Clean Water in Africa
1% of $10,000
This fundraiser has ended.
Creater Islamic Relief USA
Supporters 1
Created Date Apr 25, 2024
End Date May 03, 2024

East Africa Emergency The threat of famine looms over countries across East Africa including Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia as conflict and climate-induced drought have left nearly 23 million people without food. Over 9.5 million livestock, a main source of food and livelihood for farming communities across the region, have perished. The struggle to find food and water has forced hundreds of thousands of people across the region to migrate to survive, further escalating the crisis. The impact of the war in Ukraine is also a particular cause for concern as food prices continue to soar, and 90% of the wheat, a staple in the region’s diet, comes from either Russia or Ukraine. Islamic Relief is on the ground across Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia focusing on interventions similar to those in 2011 including food security and access to clean water and sanitation. Through efforts like financial assistance programs; provision of water and hygiene kits; and construction of sanitary facilities, we hope to bring dignity to our brothers and sisters across East Africa and let them know they have not been forgotten. Thanks to our supporters, we’re able to help make it possible. Islamic Relief’s Legacy Across Africa The Islamic Relief family has been providing emergency relief and integrated programming to families in need across Africa since 1984, starting with a call to provide humanitarian aid to Sudan. Since then, we have established a presence in 16 African countries, with field staff on the ground to address needs quickly, efficiently, and effectively.  Some of our areas of focus include: - Food aid - Access to clean and safe water, education, and healthcare - Sustainable livelihood support - Orphan care - Enhancing resilience for vulnerable populations including internally displaced  people, refugees, and host communities - Emergency aid for natural disasters - Women empowerment

Islamic Relief USA
Alexandria, Virginia
EIN : 95-44531341
Purpose of Donation : Africa General Fund Learn more about organization
Organizer : Islamic Relief USA Contact
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