How do I create a Fundraiser on the Feeling Blessed platform?

Jun 16, 2022
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Hebah Tanveer

The Feeling Blessed mission is to “un-campaign-ify” charity culture. Instead of waiting for Laylatul Qadr or Ashura or any other heavy season of giving, we encourage donors to donate in the moment. Whenever and wherever you’re Feeling Blessed, pull out your phone and give a few dollars in charity.

However, we don’t discourage nonprofit organizations from taking advantage of these giving seasons. As our society is structured, strategic campaigns during these times of the year are nothing but beneficial opportunities for incredible nonprofits like you! 

So, let’s learn about how Feeling Blessed Fundraisers is a feature you need to explore.

What is the difference between the two Fundraiser types?

On Feeling Blessed, there are two payment plans a nonprofit organization can onboard using. First, on the Free plan, nonprofits can create Fundraisers that will be displayed on their own website. And second, on the Premium plan, nonprofits can either create Fundraisers that will be live on their website OR live on Feeling Blessed’s website.

Creating a Feeling Blessed Fundraiser follows the same process in both instances. When a campaign is live on a nonprofit’s website, they are entirely responsible for marketing and publicity. When a campaign is live on the Feeling Blessed website, the nonprofit has access to our 40,000+ donors (and we handle some marketing efforts as well).

How do I ensure my Fundraiser is successful?

The nonprofit success team wants nothing but the best for you, so please do not hesitate to reach out. Here are some tips we like to share with all nonprofit admins:

  • Feeling Blessed orders the list of nonprofit organizations that a donor sees based on their geographic location. So, if you advertise that your charity is on the Feeling Blessed app to local donors, your name will be the first that they see when they open the app.

  • Donors need to understand that Feeling Blessed is a reliable way of donating to your organization. Post about us regularly and encourage donors to give through Feeling Blessed so they’re familiar with the name!

    • Bonus tip: if you ask your donors to sign up for an account using their bank account instead of a card, less money will be taken away in processing fees.

  • Include as much as you can in your Fundraiser! Donors love knowing the story behind the cause they are supporting. Videos, photos, charity testimonials, and other creative media will always stand out (and can be reused!).

  • Want a unique way of fundraising? Talk to the Feeling Blessed nonprofit success team about public figures or Muslim-owned small businesses you can get in touch with!

How do I create a Fundraiser on the Feeling Blessed platform?

  1. Login to your nonprofit Admin Dashboard at 

  2. On the top menu, select “Fundraisers.”

  3. Now, a new menu is visible under the top menu. Select “Create” to get started.

  4. Fill out all of the required fields and as many optional fields as you can. Before you start filling things out, have these things handy:

    • 16:9 cover photo (this is a standard PowerPoint slide)

      1. File cannot exceed 1MB

    • Brand color or hex code

      1. Click the “↕” symbol to the right of RGB to paste hex code

    • Your Story

    • At least one extra photo, video, or set of charity testimonials

    • Organizer’s name and email address

  5. Once this is complete, your Fundraiser is ready to go live.

    • On the Free plan? Click “Developer Section” and copy the code to embed onto your nonprofit’s website.

    • On the Premium plan? Click “Manage,” find your Fundraiser, and click the three dots to the right of the name. Then, preview, edit, or share the Fundraiser with your donors.

  6. Send out the Fundraiser link to your community with frequent giving reminders!


If you’d like a walkthrough of these instructions, watch the video ( ) embedded into this article. Still have questions? Contact someone on the Nonprofit Success team.

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Sahih Bukhari

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